On behalf of the pupils, governors and staff, I am delighted to welcome you to our school’s website.
Thank you for visiting our school’s website and I hope you enjoy your virtual journey around Ifield School. I do hope our school’s website will provide relevant and meaningful information for you.
I am very proud of our pupils’ achievements and am delighted to share and celebrate their successes with our community. I hope you enjoy exploring our website and viewing the range of events and learning that takes place throughout the school year.
Together we aim to provide an outstanding and supportive learning environment in which everyone can achieve their very best. Our school encourages pupils to learn resilience and develop high self-esteem, whilst always respecting the rights of others in the community. Pupils are prepared for adulthood and develop confidence, so that they fully belong to their community and society. We aim to value, support and challenge our pupils to achieve success. Our staff team are fully committed to provide a happy, safe, supportive and inclusive learning environment, rich in creativity, challenge, ambition and cultural development.
We pride ourselves on our warm, positive and welcoming environment and we constantly strive to provide learning experiences that engage, inspire and are personalised to meet the individual needs of all our pupils. Our pupils are a real pleasure to teach and support and we are very proud of their successes.
I hope you will be able to visit Ifield School, when appropriate to experience first-hand our very special school which serves special needs across the Gravesham District.
Please feel welcome to contact the school’s office, if you would like any further information.
Mrs Maddie Arnold-Jones