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Week 6th of June

Please see below the list of suggested activities. Choose activities that are the most suitable for your child and feel free to modify them according to your child’s needs and abilities, but most of all HAVE LOTS OF FUN!


English activities    

See the resources in the English folder

Book for this week: The enormous turnip

  • Look at the book cover. Encourage your child to guess what the story might be about. What are they pulling? What is a turnip? If possible, examine a real turnip. Look at the shape, size, colour, etc…  Then return to the picture on the front cover. Which turnip is bigger, the real one or the one from the story?

Can your child think of other words to describe the enormous turnip’s size? (e.g. big, ginormous, huge).

Discuss the story with your child. Encourage them to name all the characters from the story. Who is helping to pull the turnip? Use the worksheet The- enormous –turnip- story –cut-outs

Read/listen to the story again and invite your child to join in reading repetitive phrases.

  • Describe the characters from the story. Can your child name different clothes they are wearing? Can he/she recognise the colour? Who is the smallest/tallest character? Who is wearing a scarf? Who is wearing green boots? Etc…

Invite your child to match the initial sound to the appropriate character (See the worksheet Initial sounds).

Encourage your child to choose his/her favourite characters and to write their short descriptions.

  • Story sequencing. Use the worksheet Sequencing cards to order main events from the story.

Or use the worksheet The Enormous turnip - Sentence – Building – Cardsto compose sequencing sentences.

  • Story mapping. Use the worksheets: Story map 2xA4 and Pictures for story map.       Encourage your child to use arrow clues to put pictures in the right order. Then use the completed map to retell the story.
  • Maths activities

See the resources in the Maths folder.

  • : Find different sized objects /toys. Classify objects into different categories: enormous, big, small, tiny.
  • : Count the number of people it took to pull the turnip out of the ground.

Science activities

Visit a garden centre, allotment or your own vegetable patch. How many different types of vegetables can you see growing?  What vegetables have lots of leaves above the ground? What vegetables are growing under the ground?

Plant turnip seeds. Look at the size of the seeds. How big will your turnip grow?

What will turnip seeds need to grow? Water planted seeds.

Do a tasting session of different fruits and vegetables, blindfolded if possible. Get your child to discuss/describe different smells, textures, tastes.

Art activities

Use balloons and paper mache to create your enormous turnip.