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Please find below home learning resources: 

Please click this link to access the music Home Learning. Thank you Mrs Stevens

Home Learning for Ash Class, WC 30.11.2020, Week 5

Please choose activities appropriate for your child to carry out over the week

Please find attached supportive resources and activities to complete.








Morning Activities.




Registration: Sing the good morning songs using signs encouraging them to join in; Sing hello song and then look at days of the week and how the weather. Follow on with ’Wake and shake’ exercise program. (shake your sillies out on you tube)

Topic Learning


Junk model I- pads


Within Ash class, We have been learning all about technology this term and the pupils started to make their own I-pads  as we haven’t had a chance to finish them in class pupils could have ago at making their own at  home.


Use a small to medium sized box cover in paper and paint black leave to dry.


Add buttons by using bottle tops


Add pictures of apps/ games pupils like to use.


Technology Hunt


In Ash class we have been exploring technology and what we can switch on using electricity. Pupils can explore their homes and think about what uses electricity and what items can be used for.


Pupils can try and write key words of what they find.


Pupils can try and think of a sentence to write about how each item is used.


Pupils can complete technology uses sheet, Identifying what each technology does.


Please take photos of pupils learning and give feedback of engagement and interaction


Afternoon Activities

The Christmas Story

Pupils to engage with the Christmas story. Re read/ watch the little owl and the star story about Christmas as this is the story we have looked at in class, this should be available on YouTube. Pupils to identify and engage with the characters in the story.

Pupils can engage with cutting out and sticking a nativity scene from resources provided. Christmas story cut outs and Christmas story scene background. Pupils can also use the Christmas symbols to label and identify the key people.

Pupils can create sentences using the Christmas sentence symbols about what happens in the Christmas story.



Morning Activities

Registration: Sing the good morning songs using signs encouraging them to join in; Sing hello song and then look at days of the week and how the weather. Follow on with ’Wake and shake’ exercise program. (shake your sillies out on you tube)



Pupils to engage in phonics learning, We always introduce phonics in the classroom by using the alphabet phonics 2 song on YouTube and use the CVC blending songs so these could be used.


Sensory based phonics, pupils can practise their letter formation in sensory based materials if you have any in a tray, focusing on S A T, P I N making initial sounds. Use finger paints to mark make and make letter shapes. Pupils can also use phonics play website under resources and phase 1 sound activities.


Phase 2 phonics CVC word matching activity, Pupils can try to recognise and sound out words and match to pictures. Pupils can also complete eye spy finding objects with correct initial letter sound. Pupils can also use phonics play website under resources phase 2.


Phase 3 word search pupils to read and find the words in the word search Pupils to recognise and think about when sounding the words how many sounds are in each word they find.

Pupils can practise their handwriting and formation of letters, using the attached handwriting booklet.




Afternoon Activities.



We have started to think about change of quantities looking at one more and one less. Pupils can use objects as counters at home or building bricks to make the values of up to 5, 10 or 20 and encourage pupils to add 1 more or take 1 away thinking how amount has changed and what is the new quantity is.


Pupils can practise number formation to 10 tracing sheet attached


Pupils can complete 1 more and 1 less activity sheet and counting and addition sheets provided


Pupils can try to engage with number rhymes 5 little ducks, 5 monkeys. Clapping amount for each number.


Pupils can engage with Christmas counting puzzle, matching values.





Morning Activities

Registration: Sing the good morning songs using signs encouraging them to join in; Sing hello song and then look at days of the week and how’s the weather. Follow on with ’Wake and shake’ exercise program.


Christmas Crafts

Pupils to make a paper plate Christmas tree exploring shape and colour. See example below.

Pupils to use cutting skills if able to cut their paper plate and paint and decorate with what colours they like.

Talk about what goes on a Christmas tree. What shape can they see in the Christmas tree they have made?



  • Ofsted Outstanding
  • The Cedar Federation
  • Ifield Smile
  • KsENT
  • SEN Specialist Schools
  • International School Award
  • Kent County Council
  • Arts MArk
  • Healthy Schools
  • Sport England
  • iNet