Please find below home learning resources:
Hazel Class Home Learning 11.01.21 |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Literacy |
Literacy |
History/RE |
Art |
Literacy |
Maths |
Science |
Maths |
Music and Dance |
Maths |
Food Technology |
PE Enrichment |
PE |
Life Skills |
Choose the work that is appropriate for the ability of your child.
Monday |
Phonics Phase 1: Read and play the listening and copy games
Phase 3: Watch Mr Thorne does phonics ‘ai’
complete the ‘ai’ phonic worksheet
Phase 5 Watch Mr Thorne does phonics ‘a-e’ on You Tube
Literacy LO: To make a non-fiction book (factual book)
Starter Let’s make a contents page for our book. What does a contents page look like? Share a non-fiction book under the visualiser. Look at a contents page. Discuss the features.
Activity Give pupils a photograph of a contents page to label.
Higher ability To use phonic knowledge to write words Middle ability copy word from word bank or use CiP symbols Lower ability share a non-fiction book with an adult. Match models to photographs of reptiles
LO: To begin to understand place value
Starter Adult to have a pack of numeral cards. Pick one up and demonstrate how many 10s and ones in the number using numicon. Repeat. Put numicon aside and start to order the numerals asking different pupils to help. Adult to use vocabulary of 10s and 1s when talking about each numeral. Make deliberate mistakes when ordering numerals to see if children correct you.
Activity Middle Ability - Have a pack of numeral cards 0-20. Pupils randomly pick up a card – recognise and say the number. Identify how many tens and ones in the number – use numicon to represent this.
Higher Ability – explore place value arrow cards to make different two digit numbers. How many 100s, 10s, 1s in each number – write it down in maths book and cut out the right number of numicon to represent the number.
Lower ability Watch and join in number videos: counting objects l Learn to Count ; Count to 5 l Run Play Have Fun
Design Technology All abilities LO: To make a 3D model of a reptile (ongoing project)
Starter Discuss which is our favourite reptile. Take a vote by pupils choosing from a group of photographs
Activity Children draw a picture/design a model and label the different parts of the reptile. Include information about the materials needed to make the model.
Children can explore different types of modelling materials eg clay, playdough, paper, Modroc, wire, paper straws etc to help them with their design.
Tuesday |
Phonics Phase 1: Listen to Mr Tumble and join in with the nursery rhymes and signing. We find rhymes within the language we use every day, so we need to develop our listening skills so we can hear and identify them.
Phase 3: practise Tricky Words – pause the video when the word appears on the screen. Encourage your child to write the word and say it. Watch letter formation – choose one letter to correct if needed.
Phase 5: practise high frequency words – matching, reading and writing
Literacy LO: To make a non-fiction book
Starter Yesterday we looked the features of a contents page. What do you remember? We are going to make a contents page for our class non-fiction book about reptiles. Gather information about each animal profile – which reptiles have we written about? Adult to make a central list. Some people will be making a contents list, another group will make other features of a non-fiction book.
Activity Middle ability: Pupils to dictate the information for an adult to write: make a title page and the writing for the front and back cover
Higher ability: Pupils to write a contents page, using their phonic knowledge.
Lower ability Pupils to decorate reptile pictures to put on the front cover (there are 5 pictures. Choose one to print off and decorate).
Science All abilities LO: To label a snake Starter Watch video about a snakes: Facts about snakes for kids
Activity Children to label the different features of a snake.
Extension: write a sentence about a snake eg how it moves, what it likes to eat.
PE Enrichment Watch and join in Joe Wicks School workout
Wednesday |
Geography LO: To make a collage of a snake’s habitat
Starter Watch video about snake habitat: welcome to snake island l Brazil
Activities Go for a walk and collect leaves and twigs to use for your collage. Collage a picture of the snake’s habitat. This snake lives in a forest in Brazil (see website)
Maths LO: To understand place value and addition
Starter Watch BBC Bitesize video about place value: understanding hundreds, tens and units.
Activity Higher Ability – Explore addition up to 30 using numicon. Make own number sentences using mathematical signs + = on a post it note/paper. Adult to continue to use the use the language of 10s and 1s when speaking about numbers.
Middle Ability - Explore practical addition up to 20 using numicon. Make own number sentences using mathematical sign + = on a post it note/paper. Adult to continue to use the use the language of 10s and 1s when speaking about numbers.
Lower Ability explore numicon in sensory material. Adult to offer numeral card to match the numicon/write the numeral in the sensory material (hand over hand).
PE Cosmic Yoga: Frogs, reptiles and rainforest: Saturday Morning Yoga l Cosmic Kids
Thursday |
Art L.O. To make a paper plate turtle
Starter Watch video – swimming with sea turtles l beautiful surprises underwater
Activity Make a paper plate turtle. Think about the patterns on the shell. How can we make them? For a challenge you can try to attach the flippers with split pins so they can move like the real thing!
Dance/Mile Walk L.O. To enjoy some exercise and or fresh air
Activity Watch and dance with this video: Reptile Twist – Children’s Sing Along, Dance Along Song
Music L.O. To enjoy music with Mrs Stevens Mrs Stevens has made some videos which follow the usual music lesson routine. Please click on the link for Hazel Class:
PSHE L.O. To talk about bullying
Starter Twinkl power point Antibullying KS1 Powerpoint
Activity In small groups read the Twinkl KS1 antibullying week discussion cards and talk about the questions raised. Reflect upon the Zones of Emotional Regulation chart – how does that make you feel – red zone/blue zone?
Swap groups/discussion cards.
Friday |
Phonics Interactive games on the Letters and Sounds website Lower ability
middle ability
higher ability – Phase 5
Literacy LO: To read our non-fiction book
Starter Watch a video about reptiles: Reptiles/ Educational Video for Kids
Activity Lower Ability – read class non-fiction book about reptiles Middle Ability – read a range of non-fiction books about reptiles Higher Ability – read a range of fiction books about reptiles and discuss differences between non-fiction and fiction books.
Maths LO: To learn about data handling
Starter Watch espresso video – problem solving with 10s and 1s Discovery Education Espresso - Place value: The toy shop
Or if you can’t access this:
You Tube K20 Number Crew The Time for Treats
Activity Middle and Higher ability complete the Number and Place Value work book Lower Ability Number Match caterpillar
Life skills LO: To learn how to wash our hands
Starter Twinkl powerpoint EYFS All bout hand washing
Activity 1 – practically learn how to wash hands (20 sec) using soap, making bubbles, washing back of hands and in between fingers. Learn the importance of drying hands to protect our skin.
2 – make an information poster about washing hands and why it is important.