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Please find below home learning resources:





LI: To find my house using google maps.

I can copy-type my address into google maps search.

I can recognise my house.

I can identify familiar buildings, shops on my street.

I can describe my house.


  1. Encourage your child to type their address into google maps and to find their house. Look for any shops, schools, car parks, etc. near their house. Use the curser/your finger if using an iPad to move along the street. How far can you go? Do you know a route to the nearest shop?


  1. Take a screen shot of their house. Describe their house. ADULT TO SCRIBE CHILDS DESCRIPTION. Who lives in your house? How many bedrooms do they have? Where is their bedroom? Is it facing the front/rear of the building? Do they have a garden? Are there any trees there? What is their favourite room in the house? Etc…
  • Ofsted Outstanding
  • The Cedar Federation
  • Ifield Smile
  • KsENT
  • SEN Specialist Schools
  • International School Award
  • Kent County Council
  • Arts MArk
  • Healthy Schools
  • Sport England
  • iNet