Please find below home learning resources:
Hazel Class Home Learning 01.02.21 |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Literacy |
Literacy |
History/RE |
Art |
Literacy |
Maths |
Science |
Maths |
Music and Dance |
Maths |
Food Technology |
PE Enrichment |
PE |
Life Skills |
Choose the work that is appropriate for the ability of your child.
Monday |
Phonics Phase 1: Where’s teddy? resource pack on Ifield website
Phase 3: Watch Mr Thorne does phonics ‘oa’
Go to the Letters and Sounds website and play a game involving the digraph ‘oa’.
Phase 5 Watch Mr Thorne does phonics ‘u-e’ split digraph on You Tube
Go to Phonics Play website and play a game involving the split digraph u-e
Literacy LO: To use adjectives to describe the mixed up chameleon Starter Read the story of The Mixed up Chameleon by Eric Carle. Today we are going to use adjectives to describe the chameleon. Do you remember what an adjective is or can you give me an example?
Look at the last mixed up picture of the chameleon. Higher Ability: To use their phonic knowledge to write up to 3 sentences to describe the mixed up chameleon on a word processor Middle Ability: To use a word bank (CiP symbols) to copy or dictate to an adult 2 sentences to describe the mixed up chameleon Lower Ability: Match and stick CiP symbols of animals on the Chameleon eg flamingo on the wings.
Maths LO: To explore the vocabulary of weight
Starter To explore the vocabulary of weight watch a video
Activity Have CiP symbols available which say heavy, heavier, heaviest / light, lighter, lightest etc
Higher Ability – experiment with a range of scales, balance, kitchen, bathroom etc. Middle Ability- experiment with balance scales and different objects. What happens when a shoe is put in? Lower Ability – handle objects of different weights. Watch the reaction of the children when the objects are handled.
Talk about what happens with the scales. Why is that pan moving down? Etc. Adults introducing weight vocabulary supported by signs.
Design Technology
LO: To make a 3D model of a reptile
The link above will show you a step by step guide to make the chameleon.
Tuesday |
Phonics Phase 1: Where’s teddy? resource pack on Ifield website
Phase 3: Encourage pupils to practise reading some words/phrases/sentences including the digraphs/trigraphs we have learnt.
Phase 5: Phoneme Spotter – Read the passage and underline the digraphs (two letters that make one sound ‘sh’) and trigraphs (three letters that make one sound eg ‘igh’)
Literacy LO: To infer how the mixed up Chameleon was feeling
Starter Watch a video of the story The Mixed up Chameleon by Eric Carle. We are going to discuss how the chameleon was feeling.
Activity Have Zones of Emotional Regulation chart to hand to refer to. Also CiP symbols about the mixed up chameleon story to support discussion. Pick out two or three different stages in the book and talk about the picture.
Science LO: To look at a food chain
Starter This term we are looking at animals, reptiles in particular. We have learnt that animals need food and water to live. Today we are going to look at the types of food that animals eat. Sometimes there is a link between sources of food – this is called a food chain. Let’s learn further by reading the KS ‘What is a food chain?’ Power point [Twinkl]
Activity Higher and Middle Ability Complete the food chain sorting pictures game Lower Ability Make a bird feeder from an old bottle and watch the birds eat the seeds and nuts
PE Enrichment Our activity this term is rambling. Put on some sturdy boots or wellies and go for a walk - even if it’s raining – find some puddles to jump in! Have some fun. Encourage your child to take some photographs (developing their ICT skills). |
Wednesday |
RE LO: To know about an inspirational people linked to religion
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks follows the Jewish faith. He believes that we should talk to people who follow other faiths and respect their faiths. We can learn more about Rabbi Sacks from this Powerpoint [Twinkl]
Activity Higher Ability ‘Respecting religious difference’ worksheet. Middle Ability Compete CiP similarities in faiths. Lower Ability decorate the Judaism symbol
Maths LO: To To explore non-standard weight
Starter Yesterday we started looking at weight and using the correct words. Today we are going to explore non-standard weight. We are going to use cubes to weight classroom objects.
Activity Higher and Middle Ability Worksheet identifying heavy and light. Access maths games about weight on Please contact the school for log in details.
Lower Ability: explore sensory bags of different weights
Watch a video about heavy and light
PE Watch and join in Joe Wicks PE Wednesday 27th January
Thursday |
Art L.O. To design a Valentines Day card
Activity There is a competition with a prize for each class for the best Valentine’s Day card. Let’s think about the different cards and designs we may have seen. Brainstorm different things we could put on our card, the shape of the card, 2D/3D. How could we make it 3D?
Write inside the card and design and make the front of the card.
Dance/Mile Walk L.O. To enjoy some exercise and or fresh air
Activity Learn some dance moves! Zumba Kids (easy dance) - I like to move it - YouTube
Music L.O. To enjoy music with Mrs Stevens Mrs Stevens has made some videos which follow the usual music lesson routine. Please click on the link for Hazel Class:
PSHE L.O. To be able to recognise the emotion of jealousy Starter In our PSHE lessons we have been focusing on our feelings, using the zones of regulation. We have looked at using the zones of regulation colours to help us to identify how we are feeling and strategies that we can use to help us.
Today we are going to look at the jealousy which can be found in the yellow or sometimes red zone. Let’s read through the ‘Feeling Jealous’ power point [twinkl] we can talk about the things we can do to help us calm and return to the green zone.
Activity Draw a scene in the photo frame of a time when you felt jealous or can you draw a green-eyed monster.
Friday |
Lower ability join in with some nursery rhymes
middle ability – Practise the Phase 3 tricky words song
higher ability – Practise the Tricky word song
Literacy To read my writing to an adult
Starter We have been working on the Mixed up Chameleon by Eric Carle. Today we are going to think about the animal we would like to be and why. We will then read our work to an adult.
Activity Choose a picture of an animal that they would like to be. Children are to write a sentence about why they would like to be like this animal. The children will then read out their sentences to others.
Higher Ability: use their phonic knowledge to write and read familiar phonemes in their work Middle Ability: to use a word bank to help them form a sentence. Adults to support children to read their work to others Lower Ability: to colour a picture of their favourite animal, mark make under the picture and vocalise about it
Maths LO: To explore non-standard weight
Activity Explore weight games on Purple Mash to consolidate weight vocabulary.
Life skills LO: To learn about using money
Starter When we want something we can’t just go to the shops and pick it up; we need to use money to buy it. Different items cost different amounts of money. Some items are very expensive and we have to save up money to buy them. Have you ever saved up your birthday money to buy anything?
Let’s practise buying things using Counting Pennies Powerpoint [Twinkl].
Activity Middle and Higher Ability Practise buying toys:
Lower Ability: Role play a bank – filling in forms and paying in money. Requesting money. Paying bills. Borrowing money – loan (interest payments).