Adult directed activities Term 5 week 3 04/05/20
Topic: Can I explore it
Events for week: Wed: British values Assembly, Thurs: Singing Assembly, Fri: Achievement Assembly.
Useful websites:; www.communication4all;; educationcity;;;;;; www.thetreasuretree;; google:priorywoods; SENswitcher.
Extra ideas: Penguin song, Dough Disco
Carpet time: Registration: activities to include days of the week and Wake and Shake exercise (PSED/CL/M/PD/UW)
Area of learning focus plus carpet input
Activities and adult focus |
Evaluation. |
M |
PD (A2)/PSED/CL then Snack using PECS and signing. |
Registration: Sing the good morning songs using signs encouraging them to join in; Sing hello song and then look at days of the week and how’s the weather. Follow on with ’Wake and shake’ exercise program. (shake your sillies out on you tube)
9:00 – PE with Joe Wicks – YouTube
9: 30 Adult directed Activity: Continue Rainforest looking at mini beasts.
This week we will continue to explore the Rainforest element of the island looking at different animals that live in the rainforest through the story ‘Roaming in the rainforest’
Watch audio version on YouTube of ‘Roaming in the rainforest or you can read the story If you have it at home. Pupils could also engage with telling the story using a selection of different animals you may have at home, or by using the rainforest puppet resource provided.
What animals are flying and all colourful? Butterfly.
We will be learning about life cycle of a Butterfly, Watch or listen to the hungry caterpillar story or videos of life cycle on you tube. This will be recapping learning for pupils as we have looked at life cycles before.
Pupils to complete and sequence life cycle of a butterfly from resources. Encourage writing opportunities, pupils to trace or write labels for stages of life cycle or can these be ordered by number, 1 to 4. Think about what comes first and last. 10:30 – Have a snack and read a story or listen to rainforest song on you tube.
11:00- 12:00 – Child initiated time, pupils are to play with toys or educational games on the computer. Adults are to support their use of ICT skills through the use of accessing a printer, using a mouse and keyboard to write names and words or to play simple educational games ( If playing with toys, adults are to encourage narrative in pupils play and developing speaking and listening skills by hiding and finding toys.
12:00-13:30 Lunch and free play.
Please write feedback on how your pupil did with the activities. Please take pictures of pupils engaging in activities. |
M PM |
13:30 - Go out for a daily mile walk where possible and complete children’s yoga on YouTube. 14.15 Adult focused activity: Mini Beast hunt Go and explore in your garden, or outdoor environment see if you can find different mini beasts, what can you find? Can you see any caterpillars or butterflies? What other mini beasts can you find? Observe closely, use mini beast check list for support and recognition of mini beasts. Complete mini beast sorting game, mini beasts with legs no legs. |
T |
PD (A2)/PSED/CL then Snack using PECS and signing. |
Registration: Sing the good morning songs using signs encouraging them to join in; Sing hello song and then look at days of the week and how’s the weather. Follow on with ’Wake and shake’ exercise program.
9:00 – PE with Joe Wicks – YouTube
Focused activity: Phonics – phase 2 Listen to jolly phonics songs phase two, blending song and tricky word song 2 on YouTube. Use phonic cards to play matching memory game or snap. Practice name writing and letter formation of the alphabet. Play phase two phonics game on Complete phonics colouring sheet on school website. Continue to work on letter formation booklet. Added phonics bingo game. Engage in sound bag activity, collect a range of instruments and develop sound recognition supporting phase 1 phonics explore sounds at first and different volumes of sound for engagement. Then develop sound recognition by identifying the instrument just by sound. Links to sound bag and instrument cards resource for instructions. Sensory mark making/letter formation in sand, links to sensory mark making resource. 10:30 – Have a snack and read a story.
11:00- 12:00 – Child initiated time, pupils are to play with toys or educational games on the computer. Adults are to support their use of ICT skills through the use of accessing a printer, using a mouse and keyboard to write names and words or to play simple educational games ( If playing with toys, adults are to encourage narrative in pupils play and developing speaking and listening skills by hiding and finding toys.
12:00-13:30 Lunch and free play. |
T PM |
13:30 - Go out for a daily mile walk where possible or complete children’s yoga on YouTube.
14:15 Continue phonics work
Letter formations, sound recognition, engage in drawing a picture or mark making using a range of media.
W |
UW/L/EA/PD/CL/PSEDSnack: PSED/CL/PD (A1) using PECS and signingthen CIA: (see across) |
Registration: Sing the good morning songs using signs encouraging them to join in; Sing hello song and then look at days of the week and how’s the weather. Follow on with ’Wake and shake’ exercise program.
9:00 – PE with Joe Wicks – YouTube
9:30 Adult directed Activity: Maths counting and number Pupils to make a number caterpillar out of numbered circles and encourage ordering numbers correctly to create a caterpillar. Pupils can order numbers 1 to 5, 1 to 10 or challenge yourselves with 1 to 20, Cut out circles of coloured paper and number this then stick down on paper, or stick together. Continue to play number games provided in resources, number order activities and number matching. Linking to theme this week caterpillars. A counting number puzzle game has been provided to work on to develop number correspondence skills, matching numbers to quantity.(week 2) A number formation booklet resource has been provided to continue to develop number formation skills over the coming weeks (week 2) continue number formation Continue to sing different number rhymes using objects with pupils, 5 little ducks, 5 speckled frogs, 5 current buns. For sensory mark making ideas a colour sensory bag instructions have been included (week 2) which can be used to mark make on, write numbers, write letters, you can use a mixture of colours in 1 bag as instructions suggest or have all different coloured bags which will also develop colour recognition skills, you could add glitter or different shiny objects to make it more sensory to develop mark making and motor skills. These can be kept and continued to use. 10:30 – Have a snack and read a story.
11:00- 12:00 – Child initiated time, pupils are to play with toys or educational games on the computer. Adults are to support their use of ICT skills through the use of accessing a printer, using a mouse and keyboard to write names and words or to play simple educational games ( If playing with toys, adults are to encourage narrative in pupils play and developing speaking and listening skills by hiding and finding toys. Continue making magic island.
12:00-13:30 Lunch and free play. |
W PM |
13:30 - Go out for a daily mile walk where possible or complete children’s yoga on YouTube.
14:15- Reading time Engage in forms reading, share a book and look at the pictures. Adults are to encourage pupils to answer simple questions about the book. Use toys where possible to support learning and understanding. Revisit story for this week roaming in the rainforest, Hungry caterpillar and watch caterpillar shoes on you tube. Engage in sensory story this week. ‘Down in the jungle’ Instructions will be uploaded as last week in folder for this week. Explore elements of preference and interaction. |
Th |
PD (A2)/PSED/CL then Snack using PECS and signing. |
Registration: Sing the good morning songs using signs encouraging them to join in; Sing hello song and then look at days of the week and how’s the weather. Follow on with ’Wake and shake’ exercise program.
9:00 – PE with Joe Wicks – YouTube 9:30 Adult directed Activity: Explore Symmetry Pupils to continue to think about life cycle of a caterpillar, what does the caterpillar turn into? Pupils to make their own butterfly’s, can draw out own template and encourage pupils to try and cut it out, encouraging fine gross motor movements and hand eye co-ordination, or use template provided.
Use a range of coloured paint. Pupils to identify and choose colours to create butterflies, explain that butterflies look the same on each side so dot the paint same on both sides, then fold in half and open up and see symmetrical pattern, What can you see, what make have happened to colours, mixed to make a new colour.
Pupils can also explore mixing different colours, resource provided.
12:00-13:30 Lunch and free play. |
13:30 – Adult focused activity: Symmetry activities. Continue to develop looking at symmetry, complete butterfly symmetry resources provided and begin to look at simple repeating patterns, think about the order and colours of patterns what comes next from resources provided.
If pupils have threading beads or buttons or reals at home create repeating patterns using threading. Pupils can create own using pasta and string, Paint penne pasta different colours leave to dry then the pasta can be used to thread to make a repeating pattern or create own pattern.
Repeating patterns can also be made using Duplo or forms of bricks, examples to follow included in resources.
F |
PD (A2)/PSED/CL then Snack using PECS and signing. |
Registration: Sing the good morning songs using signs encouraging them to join in; Sing hello song and then look at days of the week and how’s the weather. Follow on with ’Wake and shake’ exercise program.
9:00 – PE with Joe Wicks – YouTube
9:30 Adult directed Activity: Play dough caterpillars and mini beast.
Pupils to get creative using play dough
Pupils can make their own caterpillar of dough, use mini beast mats provided to make different parts of mini beasts.
10:30 – Have a snack and read a story.
11:00- 12:00 – Child initiated time, pupils are to play with toys or educational games on the computer. Adults are to support their use of ICT skills through the use of accessing a printer, using a mouse and keyboard to write names and words or to play simple educational games ( If playing with toys, adults are to encourage narrative in pupils play and developing speaking and listening skills by hiding and finding toys. Continue making magic island.
12:00-13:30 Lunch and free play. |
F PM |
13:30 - Go out for a daily mile walk where possible and complete children’s yoga on YouTube.
Team meetings (8.30) M Team meeting Th Team CPD F Teacher briefing