Please click content on the right hand side, also find below more home learning resources:
During this half term holiday time please decide what is best for you at home, whether that is taking time out of the home school routine or continuing with a routine similar to this term.
The key priorities to focus on are:
- Wellbeing - keeping happy and safe as a family.
- Reading - daily reading which could be in a variety of different ways. Listening to your child, reading to your child, online stories or role play.
- Sounds knowledge - recognising and forming letters appropriate for them.
- Number knowledge - time to practise counting, ordering numbers and the formation of numbers. Please see this useful video clip for supporting early skills of number formation with a focus on the correct orientation of them: (
- Name writing - practise formation of writing their name in different ways (e.g. pen, pencil, chalk, play dough, salt etc).
- Pencil control activities.
Please find a mixture of example activities to support you at home.
Keep safe and well,
Miss Woods