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Monday 8th June

Life skills – Practise washing your hands properly. Wash hands sequencing.


Maths – Watch the very hungry caterpillar story on You Tube and count the fruit/food

draw a picture of the food the caterpillar ate.


Reading – read a favourite book or listen to an adult read a book to you.


Cooking – Make a fruit salad.

Tuesday 9th June

Maths – complete the counting/addition sheet appropriate to your child’s needs.


English – Watch video of The Disgusting Sandwich


Choose the activity which best suits your child’s needs:

Write a sentence about a page in the book.

Use colourful semantic sheet to write a sentence – cut the bottom sentence off and stick it onto the correct box.


Reading – read a favourite book or listen to an adult read a book to you.


Wednesday 10th June

Maths – complete the counting/addition sheet appropriate to your child’s needs


English – Make your own disgusting sandwich. Go on a walk and collect leaves, flower, mud, small stones etc. Glue them onto the picture of slices of bread and label the items you have found.


Reading – read a favourite book or listen to an adult read a book to you.


RE – What is Sikhism and where does it originate?

Look at powerpoint about Sikhism. Look at the world map - Identify and colour the countries where Sikhism is practised.



Thursday 11th June

Maths – Sort foods that you like/dislike in your sandwich


English – Write instructions for making a sandwich

Choose which worksheet is appropriate for your child:

  • Cut and paste whole sentence
  • Write in the missing word


Science –What are our senses? Watch the Powerpoint. Go on a sensory walk – what can you hear, see, smell, touch? Where are the senses on your body? We will explore each of the senses in more depth over the term.


Reading – read a book to an adult to listen to an adult read a book to you

Friday 12th June

English – Use your instructions to make your own sandwich.


Reading – read a book with children’s rhymes/poetry


Art – Make some playdough. Use the playdough to sculpt different fruits.

  • Ofsted Outstanding
  • The Cedar Federation
  • Ifield Smile
  • KsENT
  • SEN Specialist Schools
  • International School Award
  • Kent County Council
  • Arts MArk
  • Healthy Schools
  • Sport England
  • iNet