Please find below home learning resources:
Maple Class Home Learning 23.11.20 |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Literacy |
Literacy |
History/RE |
Art |
Literacy |
Maths |
Science |
Maths |
Music and Dance |
Maths |
Food Technology |
PE Enrichment |
PE |
Life Skills |
Monday |
Choose the work that is appropriate for the ability of your child. Literacy An alien spaceship has crashed at Ifield School – see the photograph. Help us write a newspaper report. First of all we need to gather the information using the 5 w’s sheet.
Write Dance
Maths Subtraction using coins – toy shop worksheet
Watch and sing counting songs
DT Make a 3D alien from a tube
Make some playdough and explore the texture, manipulating the dough into different shapes with your hands. Play some music and have a dough disco! |
Tuesday |
Literacy Lets use the information we gathered on the 5 w’s worksheet and put that into sentences in a newspaper format.
Pour some shampoo or conditioner onto a tray and place some objects in it that begin with the same sound eg, spoon, sock, soap and say the word highlighting the initial sound as your child explores the object. Write the initial sound in the shampoo.
Science Lets explore the force of gravity. Watch a video of an astronaut on the International Space Station. Why are they floating? There is no gravity in space. Design and make a parachute throw it in the air. Does it float like the astronauts? No because of gravity!
Watch an astronaut tell a story from space:
PE Enrichment Let’s go for a walk and take a camera. Share at least one photographs with Hazel Class.
Wednesday |
History Read the fact sheet about Neil Armstrong. Now lets sequence his life using the pictures.
Look at your photograph album. Things you have done as a family in the past. Watch your child, what reactions do you notice?
Maths Lets explore the different signs used with money. What does ‘p’ mean? Where do we put it? Before or after the number? What does ‘£’ mean? Where do we put it? Before or after the number? Make some price labels using p and £ and make a shop. Have some fun. You may even want to do some coin rubbings and cut them out to use as coins in your shop.
Use the playdough you made on Monday. Press some coins into it and look at the different shapes, sizes and patterns. What happens when you push the edge of the coins in it? Are the edges different shapes too?
PE Cosmic yoga
Thursday |
Art Look carefully at the pastel planet picture. Can you identify any of the planets? What order are they from the sun? watch this video it might help
Make your own pastel planet picture.
RE Lots of religions follow rules written in their holy book. Christians follow the rules of the 10 commandments. Lets think about honesty. Have you ever told a lie? Why is it always best to be honest? Honesty sorting activity.
Cut out the Christian sign of a cross and support your child to decorate it.
PSHE Make your own snakes and ladders game using the grid. Play the game and have fun taking turns and counting the squares – watch out for the snakes!
Intensive Interaction – watch and listen to the sounds and movements that your child makes. Mirror them and watch your child’s reactions. Take turns with your child to make the sounds and actions.
Friday |
Literacy Practise your letter formation. Here are some worksheets for you. Can you write your first and second name on your own? Watch phonic videos Phase 2. Stop the video and encourage your child to copy the words. Use the song to prompt your child when they are writing.
Watch a Mr Tumble video on You tube, he uses lots of Makaton signs
Maths Explore coins and change giving further. Here are some worksheets for giving change within 50p and £1.
Use the playdough to make 5 current buns and sing the song. Point to one bun and count as you do so. Make some dough coins and exchange them for current buns. Explore the process of exchange as you would in a shop.
Life skills Help to get the washing out of the machine and hang it up. Once it is dry can you put it in the right way? Labels and seams go on the inside. Can you fasten the buttons or zip by yourself?
Practise putting socks on your feet by yourself. Its tricky but keep going!