Please find below home learning resources:
Hawk Class Home Learning 8/2/21 |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Science |
Maths |
Maths |
Maths |
Maths |
Life Skills |
Phonics |
PE |
English |
English |
Food Tech |
English |
Art/Science |
RE |
Choose the work that is appropriate for the ability of your child.
Monday |
Science LO: To begin to understand how to eat healthily
Starter Share the lesson presentation Healthy Eating. Talk about how all animals have basic needs – air, food and water. Then discus how we need to eat a range of foods to keep healthy and how we can eat more of some foods than others. Share the Sample sheet Healthy Eating Food Journal and talk about what changes could be made to make the diet healthier. Then complete the activity below.
Activity Lower ability – Sorting Cards Healthy Eating Middle and higher ability – Complete the Healthy Eating Journal Evaluation.
Food Technology
LO: To be able to prepare ingredients to make a pizza
Starter This a quick recipe for making pizzas using pitta bread as the base. You can use different toppings if you do not like those in the recipe. Follow the recipe ‘Quick Pitta Pizzas’ and talk about the different ingredients and how they need to be prepared.
Talk about why it is important to be hygienic when cooking and how to take special care when using knives for cutting.
Resources Quick Pitta Recipe Sheet Chosen ingredients for making pizzas.
Life Skills
LO: To be able to tie laces
Starter We are learning how to tie laces. If you do not have a shoe with laces you can use a piece of card with punched holes and a string threaded through. Here are some ideas for templates.
Tuesday |
Maths The maths has been divided into different abilities. Please follow the links for your child’s ability level.
Lower Ability LO: To be able to count in 10s and 1s
Starter Click the following link to access today’s learning video:
Activities Then complete the Tens and Ones activity sheet.
Middle and higher ability LO: To be able to draw pictograms
Starter Click the following link to access today’s learning video:
Activities Then complete the draw pictograms (1-1) activity sheet.
English LO: To be able to add ‘ed’ to root words.
Starter Look through the example ‘adding endings to root words (-ed) on the sheet. Then complete the activity. Check that you have used a capital letter, full stop and your letters sit on the line. If you can use joined handwriting.
Activities Lower ability – Complete the ‘Getting Started’ section of the adding -ed activity sheet Middle ability - Complete the ‘Getting Started’ and ‘Try these’ section of the adding -ed activity sheet Higher ability - Complete all sections of the adding -ed activity sheet
Modern Foreign Languages LO: To learn some everyday language in French
This term we are finding out more about France and the language spoken there. Click on the link: and find out how to greet people in French.
Wednesday |
Maths The maths has been divided into different abilities. Please follow the links for your child’s ability level.
Lower Ability LO: To be able to represent numbers to 50
Starter Click the following link to access today’s learning video:
Activities Then complete the representing numbers to 50 activity sheets.
Middle Ability and High Ability LO: To be able to draw pictograms 2, 5 and 10
Starter Click the following link to access today’s learning video:
Activities There is no work-sheet today.
PE LO: To develop balance and coordination
Choose one of the activities below:
BBC iPlayer - Celebrity Supply Teacher - Series 1: 3. Marcus Rashford - PE
Star Wars (The Force Awakens) A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure
Workout with Joe on the following links:
English LO: To be able to develop comprehension skills
Starter Read through the story on the comprehension sheet and then answer the questions.
Activity Lower ability – Go Back to Bed! Middle ability – Tom’s Sausage Lion Higher ability – King of the Forest
Thursday |
Maths The maths has been divided into different abilities. Please follow the links for your child’s ability level.
Lower Ability LO: To Find one more and one less
Starter Click on the following link to access today’s learning video:
Activities Then complete the First Part of the one more one less activity sheet.
Middle Ability and Higher Ability LO: To be able to draw pictograms
Starter Click on the following link to access today’s learning video:
Activities Then complete the draw pictograms (2, 5 and 10) activity sheet.
English/Phonics LO: To continue to practice and consolidate our blending skills
Starter Choose an activity to practice segmenting and blending skills. Select the appropriate level for your child.
Activities Phase 3 activities and games – click on the link below to access phonic games. Picnic on Pluto ( Buried Treasure ( Click each sentence, say them out loud and write the sentence from memory. Check you have spelt all the words correctly. Dragons Den ( Set 1 – 6 plus set 7 – lower ability Set 1 -7 plus consonant diagraphs – middle ability Set 1 – 7 plus vowel diagraphs – higher ability
Phase 4 activities and games – click on the link below to access phonic games. Buried Treasure ( Dragons Den ( Click each sentence, say them out loud and write the sentence from memory. Check you have spelt all the words correctly.
Science/Art LO: To use a range of materials to make a collage.
Starter We are making some collages of fruit and vegetables this week. The above collage of a bunch of bananas has been made by sticking dried pasta shapes onto an out-line. You could use other dried ingredients to complete the collage or you can use any materials you have at home.
Activities Choose an outline from the resources or draw your own. Choose some materials from around the house to stick on to the fruit or vegetable shape. You could use left over material, wool, coloured paper or old magazines as well as pasta shapes, rice or other dried food,
Friday |
Maths The maths has been divided into different abilities. Please follow the links for your child’s ability level.
Lower Ability LO: To be able find one more and one less
Starter Click on the following link to access today’s learning video:
Activities Then complete the second half of the one more one less activity sheet.
Middle Ability and Higher Ability LO: To be able to interpret pictograms
Starter Click on the following link to access today’s learning video:
Activities Then complete the interpret pictogram (2, 5 and 10) Activity sheet.
Oxford Owl Register for free to access e-books. Oxford Owl has a range of books to be read on-line. Please choose the appropriate books by book band level. Your child should be able to tell you what colour they are on.
Free eBook library – practise reading with phonics eBooks | Oxford Owl
Select the appropriate level for your child.
Very Easy – book band - red, yellow, blue, green Lower ability – book band - orange, turquoise, purple. Middle ability – book band - gold, white, lime. Higher ability – book band - brown, grey, dark blue, dark red.
LO: To be able to explain what a Muslim holy book is and how it is used.
Starter Share the Holy Book Lesson Presentation and watch the video. Then complete the quiz. How did you do?
See PDF file for document including pictures