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Willow Class Home Learning

Term 4 - Week 1:  Beginning 22nd February 2021

Topic - Tremors























Life Skills












Please choose the work that is appropriate for the ability of your child.

Please take photos of your home learning and send them to 

If you have completed any worksheets, please make sure you write your name and date on the back and bring them into school.




LO:  To identify potential hazards around the home


Introduce the topic of safety at home by exploring the Potential dangers symbol support sheet. Discuss what each of the dangers are.


walk around your home and identify any potential hazards. Discuss with an adult how we can make these hazards safe. Eg. Toys or clothing on the floor,  Spilt drink or food on the floor etc.



LO:  To roll, flatten, tear, join and mould playdough to create a 3D flower


Create the playdough by following the recipe.



Once made, warm up the playdough by following the instructions on the Playdough activity cards. Move on to practise rolling the playdough flat and cutting using the tools. Practise cutting the play dough into parts of a flower, circular center with petals around the edge.


Playdough recipe (or your own playdough)

Playdough activity cards

Playdough rolling pin and cutter



Watch and join in an exercise video on You Tube.

PE With Joe 2021 | Friday 19th Feb - YouTube


Reading – read a favourite book to an adult or hear an adult read a book to you.





Listen to the Disney Lava Song : Disney Music - Lava (Official Lyric Video from "Lava") - YouTube



All – use musical instruments to depict when a volcano is dormant i.e. quiet sounds and to depict when a volcano erupts i.e.. loud sounds.


Topic - Science

LO: To investigate and describe rocks that I find on a rock hunt

(please keep rocks for other lessons this week)


Introduce the theme with the video: "Rocks are Everywhere" Read Aloud - YouTube

Discuss the video.


Explain to children that today they will become rock detectives and their task will be to find different types of rocks outside. Go on a rock hunt in your garden or at a park. Collect a selection of different rocks that you find.

Once home, clean all the rocks using a sponge or cloth. Lay them all out and explore the rocks. Are they the same? Do they look different after being cleaned? Where were they found? Are they big/small/what colour? Use the Rock description key vocab for support.


Magnifying glasses

Buckets, sponge or cloth,

Spades, sieves



Life Skills

LO: To make up a cold drink and snack


Fruit Salad

Make a fruit salad using a variety of diferent fruit. Make sure all items of fruit have been washed. Demonstrate preparing the fruit safely, peeling and cutting each item of fruit into bite size chunks. Let pupils have a chance to prepare and cute a variety of different fruits. Put all the fruit into a large bowl and pour over some orange juice. Mix the fruit together.


Demonstrate first, but encourage pupils to pour their own squash

Reading – read a favourite book to an adult or hear an adult read a book to you.




LO:  To recall the story from the Lava song


Listen to the YouTube song – Lava Song using the following link

Disney Music - Lava (Official Lyric Video from "Lava") - YouTube

Discuss the following questions:

What is the object in the story called?

What 2 things come out of the volcano?

What do you think the lava feels like?

What do you think the smoke feels like?

What colour is the smoke?

Where is the volcano found?

What is the volcano made of?

What is the volcano looking for?

How does the volcano feel when he hasn’t got a friend?

What noise do volcanoes make when they erupt?

How does the volcano feel when he finds a friend?

Do you like this song? Why? Why not?

All – on a large piece of paper, draw a volcano and paint it green on the bottom half and brown on the top half. Glue on pieces of tissue paper coming out of the crater (white, orange, yellow and red) and pieces of tissue paper running down the side of the volcano (red, orange and yellow).





Sense  –  Count along and place 1-3 or 1-5 rocks on each number card

Explore – Count some rocks and then take one rock away and see how many are left. Repeat with different amount of rocks.

Medium – Write a number between 1 and 20 and write what is one more and one less than the number.

Hard – work out the array and the multiplication sum and answer (page 1 only).


Design Technology

LO: To make an image out of pebbles.


Explore selections of pebbles of different shapes and sizes. Explain to pupils that today they will design and make images out of pebbles. Look at and discuss the examples of various images made of pebbles (see the worksheet Pebbles ideas). Encourage pupils to describe their favourite pictures



Ask pupils to create a flower shape using the pebbles.

What other things can they make out of pebbles? a face? An animal? A tree? Would you use the same sized pebbles for every detail? What things can you make with small pebbles?

Tasks: Pupils to use various sized pebbles.

Sense / Explore: Use templates for arranging pebbles into different images.

Medium: Use pebbles to create a big tree and an animal.

Hard: Make your own scenery out of pebbles


Pebbles and rocks

Pebbles ideas –worksheet


Reading – read a favourite book to an adult or hear an adult read a book to you.





LO:  To recall the story of the Little Volcano


Read the story of the Little Volcano using the link


Explore – match the sentences with the pictures.

Medium – copy-write the sentences with the pictures.

Hard – write a sentence for each picture.




Sense  –  Count along and place 1-3 or 1-5 rocks on each number card

Easy – count some objects and then take one object away and see how many are left.

Medium – write a number between 1 and 20 and write what is one more and one less than the number.

Hard – cut out the numbers and pictures and match them. Write the multiplication sum and the array.



L.O. To recall the story of The Loaves and the fishes


The Loaves and the Fishes

Read the PowerPoint story of the Loaves and the fishes.


All – try some tuna fish and some bread. Describe the taste, smell, texture of each food.

All – look at the word mat and point out key words from the story.

Hard – Use the word mat and write 5 sentences to retell the story of the loaves and the fishes.

Medium – make stick puppets from the worksheet and write the name of the character or object next to the stick puppet.

Sense / Explore – make the stick puppets from the story.


Reading – read a favourite book to an adult or hear an adult read a book to you.





LO:  To recall the story of the Little Volcano


Read the story of the Little Volcano using the link

Discuss the story and answer questions. Predict what will happen at the end of the story.


Hard – look at the worksheet and write a definition for an active, dormant and extinct volcano using the Ipads to look up the information.

Medium – look at the cip sentences and match them to the correct picture. Copy-write the sentences to the correct picture.

Explore – look at the pictures and cut them out. Decide whether the volcano is active or dormant.




Explore – Count some rocks and then take one rock away and see how many are left. Repeat with different amounts of rocks.

Medium – work out what is one more and one less using page 1 of the worksheet.

Hard – Cut out the numbers and pictures and match them. Write the multiplication sum and the array.


LO: To recall how a volcano is formed


Watch the video and discuss how volcanoes are formed

All About Volcanoes: How They Form, Eruptions & More! - YouTube



Complete the How a volcano is made worksheet. Choose the work that is most appropriate for your child.


Reading – read a favourite book to an adult or hear an adult read a book to you.



Extra Activities


  • Volcano colouring page
  • Volcano 3D cross section
  • Volcano word search
  • Parts of a volcano poster
  • Pancake day cutting exercise
  • Pancake day pencil control
  • Pancake day sensory box
  • Ofsted Outstanding
  • The Cedar Federation
  • Ifield Smile
  • KsENT
  • SEN Specialist Schools
  • International School Award
  • Kent County Council
  • Arts MArk
  • Healthy Schools
  • Sport England
  • iNet