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English Planning

Book Pompeii: Buried Alive

Pompeii...Buried Alive! / Read Aloud (HD) - YouTube


Look at the front cover of the book Pompeii: Buried Alive. Point out the title, the volcano, the town, people, the smoke and the lava.

Watch (see you tube link or read chapter 1 of the book Pompeii: Buried Alive). Ask questions from the story. Talk about what Pompeii is like, what people are doing there and what people might say to one another.

Hard: Use speech bubbles and write a sentence that people might say to each other in Pompeii.

Medium: Listen to an adult read chapter 1 of the book Pompeii Buried Alive. Answer questions from chapter 1.

Easy: Listen to an adult read chapter 1 of the book Pompeii :Buried Alive. Point out key objects from the pictures.



Look at the front cover of the book Pompeii: Buried Alive. Point out the title, the volcano, the town, people the smoke and the lava.

Hard: Listen to/read chapter 2 of the book Pompeii: Buried Alive. Ask questions about the story. See page 18 and discuss what it would feel like to be by a volcano. What does the word tremble mean? Answer questions from chapter 2 about what happened to the people of Pompeii. Use the speech bubbles and write a sentence to say what people might say about what the volcano is like.

Medium: Listen to an adult read chapter 1 of the book Pompeii Buried Alive. Answer questions from chapter 2.

Easy: Listen to an adult read chapter 2 of the book Pompeii: Buried Alive. Point out key objects from the pictures.



Recap the story so far. Listen to chapter 3. Ask questions about the pictures Use pictures to discuss what happened in the town.

Hard: Recap what has happened in the story so far. Listen to/Read chapter 3 and answer questions about chapter 3.  Write a sentence describing your favourite picture from this chapter.

Medium: Recap what has happened in the story so far. Listen to/Read chapter 3 and answer questions.

Easy: Listen to an adult read chapter 3 of the book Pompeii: Buried Alive, then point out key objects from the chapter.



Recap the story and discuss what it is about.

Hard: Describe what happened in the story. Adult to ask key questions from the story. Orally compose 5 sentences to retell the story of Pompeii Buried Alive. Adult to write the sentences that the child says.

Medium:  Look at the cip sentences and sequence them in the right order to retell the story of Pompeii. Copy-write the sentences.

Easy:  Look at the cip sentences and cut them out. Sequence the sentences in the correct order to retell the story of Pompeii Buried Alive.




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