Maple Class- home Learning week beginning 18.10.21
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
English |
English |
Music |
Maths |
Maths |
English |
Art |
Completed |
Extra PE |
Life skills |
DT |
Take photos of your home learning please
Any sheets you complete- make sure you write the date on them and put your name on the back and bring them into school to show us your amazing work 😊
Monday |
Completed |
Tuesday |
Phonics 1. Have a sound walk around your house and your local area- ask an adult to write down all the things you can hear- do you also know the first ( initial) sound of these things that you can hear too?
2. Looking at the pictures when an adult says the word matching the igh , ee and ai pictures to the correct sheet.
Resources : 3 sheets with heading and grid on, selection of pictures cut up ready for the adult to read.
Literacy LO: To be able to use familiar words
Activity Recap yesterday’s work. Today we are going to use our plan to write sentences- we are looking at using familiar words- words we already know and use a lot. Some will write independently and some will copywrite as well as write using some of the sounds they know. Pupils to write a new story based on the plan that they have written- make sure there is a beginning, middle and end- they do not have to write it all in one go. They can also draw some pictures to go with it.
Maths LO: To write numbers in digits and words correctly.
Starter Practice counting up in 1s to 20 forwards and backwards. As a challenge try counting up to 30 forwards and backwards.
Activity Adults to say a number -can they write it as a digit and write it as a word next to it.
Resources: paper to write on.
PE Enrichment
Wednesday |
Music Find some things around the house to bang and shake ( ask people at home first!) can you make up your own tune and sing along?
Dance Find the song online that we have been dancing to in school and make up a small dance – teach it to the person who is looking after you at home today. Video it if you can or take a photograph.
Listen to the slightly difference mix of it below as well.
Life skills LO: To be able to know what to do when you are being bullied
Starter Watch from bully to best friend Activity Talk about what bullying looks like. How did she find a way to stop the bully? How did the bully make her feel? Where can the children go in their school to talk about being bullied? Why is it important to tell a teacher if you think you are being bullied? Reflect and discuss
Make a poster as a shared piece of writing/poster- do this with your adult.
As well as the above make sure you help out at hope with cooking, washing up and tidying up after your selves as well as getting your self dressed. |
Thursday |
Maths-Position and direction LO: To begin to use positional language.
Starter Watch and discuss
Today we are going to look at positional language.
1.Using the teddy pictures – put a toy teddy into these positions and then take a photo. Then fill the sheet in with the correct words. 2. Using the positional words can they put themselves or someone indoors into the correct position? Take photos if possible
Resources: teddy pictures and positional language vocab
English Continue with their new dinosaur adventure – can they improve their writing by adding more describing words and similes ( as or like ) make sure they are using capital letters and full stops in the right place and forming their letters correctly.
Food tech LO: To be able to follow a recipe (make some dinosaur biscuits) S.C.
Text/ Worksheet/ Clip etc: Discuss that this term we are learning about Predators and we are going to link all of our art and design to this. Today we are going to make some dinosaur biscuits.
Challenge Make an animation with ipad ( stop motion app) Ingredients For the biscuits
Challenge Add detail to the biscuits using icing pens.
Resources: ingredients from the kitchen at home |
Friday |
Phonics Interactive games on the Letters and Sounds website Phase 2 and 3 - Choose a favourite game linked to your phase.
Handwriting Look at the list of HFW – practice writing as many as you can – really concentrating on forming the letters correctly Resources: list of HFWs
Art Colour and collage a scarecrow for Harvest festival Resources: scarecrow picture