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Monday 22nd June  


Life skills – Practise washing and brushing your own hair. Sequencing – place pictures in order on blank page. Use pictures of the boy. Design your own crazy hair style.


Maths – Daily activities on this website


Reading – Explore phonic games on Letters and Sounds website


Cooking – Make sausage rolls.


Tuesday 23rd June


Maths – Daily activities on this website


English – Watch the video of Handa’s Surprise

Think of adjectives to describe how the fruit looks (and tastes if you have one in your fruit bowl).


Reading – read a favourite book or listen to an adult read a book to you.


Wednesday 24th June


Maths – Daily activities on this website


English – Look at the front cover of Handa’s Surprise and say what fruits you can see.

Choose the activity that best suits your child’s ability:

  1. read the story of Handa’s Surprise and write the answers to the questions
  2. listen to the story of Handa’s Surprise and talk about the answers
  3. listen to the story of Handa’s Surprise and point out key objects from the story.


Reading – Watch a video from Mr Thorne does phonics

Phase 2: s

Phase 3: j


Phase 4: Read a sentence or two from a favourite book


Science – identify the 5 senses. Point to ears, eyes, nose, mouth and hands for each sense. Then go on a sense hunt round your house and garden to see what you can hear. Can you make a sound lotto?


Thursday 25th June


Maths – Daily activities on this website


English – Handa’s Surprise  - make a fruit salad OR fruit skewer using fruits from the book


Reading – read a book to an adult to listen to an adult read a book to you


Friday 26th June

English – Handa’s Surprise - act out the story of Handa’s Surprise using the stick puppets.


Geography – Find out about Handa’s country: Kenya. Where is Kenya on the map/globe? What foods are grown there? What is the climate like? Look at the food labels in your kitchen. Which foods came from Kenya? Have a look at the tea and coffee labels. Carefully make a hot drink.


Art – this term’s theme is all about fruit and vegetables and sculptures.

Which is your favourite vegetable? Make a model of it from playdough.


Reading – Watch a phonic tricky word video

Phase 2    

Phase 3

Phase 4



  • Ofsted Outstanding
  • The Cedar Federation
  • Ifield Smile
  • KsENT
  • SEN Specialist Schools
  • International School Award
  • Kent County Council
  • Arts MArk
  • Healthy Schools
  • Sport England
  • iNet